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Santiago Nguyen
Santiago Nguyen

Learn Git Alias: The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Using Git Shortcuts

This technique can also be very useful in creating commands that you think should exist.For example, to correct the usability problem you encountered with unstaging a file, you can add your own unstage alias to Git:

git alias download

As you can tell, Git simply replaces the new command with whatever you alias it for.However, maybe you want to run an external command, rather than a Git subcommand.In that case, you start the command with a ! character.This is useful if you write your own tools that work with a Git repository.We can demonstrate by aliasing git visual to run gitk:

This section will focus on Git aliases. To better understand the value of Git aliases we must first discuss what an alias is. The term alias is synonymous with a shortcut. Alias creation is a common pattern found in other popular utilities like `bash` shell. Aliases are used to create shorter commands that map to longer commands. Aliases enable more efficient workflows by requiring fewer keystrokes to execute a command. For a brief example, consider the git checkout command. The checkout command is a frequently used git command, which adds up in cumulative keystrokes over time. An alias can be created that maps git co to git checkout, which saves precious human fingertip power by allowing the shorter keystroke form: git co to be typed instead.

It is important to note that there is no direct git alias command. Aliases are created through the use of the git config command and the Git configuration files. As with other configuration values, aliases can be created in a local or global scope. To better understand Git aliases let us create some examples.

The previous code example creates globally stored shortcuts for common git commands. Creating the aliases will not modify the source commands. So git checkout will still be available even though we now have the git co alias. These aliases were created with the --global flag which means they will be stored in Git's global operating system level configuration file. On linux systems, the global config file is located in the User home directory at /.gitconfig.

A common Git pattern is to remove recently added files from the staging area. This is achieved by leveraging options to the git reset command. A new alias can be created to encapsulate this behavior and create a new alias-command-keyword which is easy to remember:

The preceding code example creates a new alias unstage. This now enables the invocation of git unstage. git unstage which will perform a reset on the staging area. This makes the following two commands equivalent.

As previously demonstrated the git config command is a convenient utility to quickly create aliases. The git config command is actually a helper utility for writing to the global and local Git config files.

Git aliases are a powerful workflow tool that create shortcuts to frequently used Git commands. Using Git aliases will make you a faster and more efficient developer. Aliases can be used to wrap a sequence of Git commands into new faux Git command. Git aliases are created through the use of the git config command which essentially modifies local or global Git config files. Learn more on the git config page.

git alias install guide

git alias customize tutorial

git alias commands for faster easier version control

git alias collection of git settings

git alias shortcuts for frequent git commands

git alias examples and best practices

git alias create your own custom commands

git alias run external commands with !

git alias use gitk to visualize your repository

git alias reset HEAD to unstage files

git alias log -1 HEAD to see last commit

git alias checkout with --guess option

git alias cherry-pick with -x option

git alias diff with --word-diff option

git alias fetch with --prune option

git alias merge with --no-commit --no-ff option

git alias pull with --rebase=preserve option

git alias rebase with --interactive @ {upstream} option

git alias show-branch with --more option

git alias status with --short option

git alias gitalias.txt file download link

git alias GitHub repository URL

git alias Atlassian Git tutorial URL

git alias Git book chapter URL

git alias benefits and advantages of using aliases

git alias limitations and drawbacks of using aliases

git alias tips and tricks for creating aliases

git alias how to delete or edit aliases

git alias how to list all aliases

git alias how to share aliases with others

git alias how to backup and restore aliases

git alias how to troubleshoot aliases issues

git alias how to test aliases before using them

git alias how to use aliases in scripts or hooks

git alias how to use aliases with arguments or options

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git alias how to use aliases with stash or apply commands

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git alias how to use aliases with archive or bundle commands

git alias how to use aliases with submodule or subtree commands

git alias how to use aliases with worktree or sparse-checkout commands

I had the same problem, I can't figured out how to find the aliases used by Git Bash on Windows.After searching for a while, I found the file under C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d\

I would prefer a zero-setup solution, but i found none yet.Once i Pull a repository, how can automagically have some standard aliasavailable, so Bash shell for Git Extension can recognize it ?It seem that the C:\User.bashrd is recognized, andalso C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d\, but these locationsare outside the pulled project, and need to be manually configured.

Save your oh-my-zsh plugin, and run allsource. If that does not seem to work, simply run source $ZSH/; source /home/ev/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/ev-aliases/ev-aliases.plugin.zsh. That will load the plugin source which will allow you to use allsource from now on.

Artifacts generated by Jenkins builds are typically propagated to storage repositories for archiving and sharing. Azure blob storage is one of the supported repositories, allowing you to consume Jenkins projects that publish to Azure storage as artifact sources in a release pipeline. Azure Pipelines download the artifacts automatically from Azure to the agent running the pipeline. In this scenario, connectivity between the agent and the Jenkins server is not required. Microsoft-hosted agents can be used without exposing the server to internet.

Using Azure Artifacts in your release pipeline, you must select the Feed, Package, and the Default version for your package. You can choose to pick up the latest version of the package, use a specific version, or select the version at the time of release creation. During deployment, the package gets downloaded/extracted to the agent running your pipeline.

When using Maven snapshots, multiple versions can be downloaded at once (example myApplication-2.1.0.BUILD-20190920.220048-3.jar, myApplication-2.1.0.BUILD-20190820.221046-2.jar, myApplication-2.1.0.BUILD-20190820.220331-1.jar). You might need to remove the old version and only keep the latest Artifact before deployment. Run the following PowerShell command in an elevated command prompt to remove all copies except the one with the highest lexicographical value:

You can use Azure Pipelines to deploy artifacts from TFS servers without having to make your server discoverable on the Internet by setting up an on-premises automation agent. Artifacts are downloaded to the on-premises agent and then deployed to the specified target servers without leaving your enterprise network. This is ideal for customers to leverage their investments of their on-premises infrastructure while taking advantage of Azure Pipelines releases.

To ensure the uniqueness of every artifact download, each artifact source linked to a release pipeline is automatically provided with a specific download location known as the source alias. This location can be accessed by using the variable: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\[source alias]

By default, the source alias is the name of the artifact source prefixed with an underscore. Depending on the type of the artifact source, this will be the name of the build pipeline, job name, project name, or the repository name. You can edit the source alias from the artifacts tab of your release pipeline.

When a deployment is completed to a stage, the versioned artifacts from each of the sources are downloaded to the pipeline agent so that tasks running within that stage can access those artifacts. The downloaded artifacts do not get deleted when a release is completed. However, when you initiate the next release, the downloaded artifacts are deleted and replaced with the new set of artifacts.

Azure Pipelines does not perform any optimization to avoid downloading the unchanged artifacts if the same release is deployed again. In addition, because the previously downloaded contents are always deleted when you initiate a new release, Azure Pipelines cannot perform incremental downloads to the agent.

WARNING: If you already have an include section in your .gitconfig file, the previous command will overwrite it. In that case, just edit your include section and add another path property with the path to the gitconfig.aliases file.

I use the following trick to generate shell aliases for all defined git aliases, such that every one works without git before it. It sounds like a small bonus, but I use these commands tens to hundreds of times a day, and find the added fluency really helpful.

You can create an alias for a local repository to help differentiate between repositories of the same name in GitHub Desktop. Creating an alias does not affect the repository's name on GitHub. In the repositories list, aliases appear in italics.

The example .gitconfig file defines st as an alias for the git status command, and amend as an alias for git commit -a --amend command. The alias is replaced by its definition following the git command. Anything after the alias on the command line comes after the definition, so the following two commands are equivalent:

Sometimes you need the command-line arguments someplace other than the end of the command. You can often handle simple cases by defining and invoking a shell function. So, in the previous example, you might want to pass an argument to git-ls-files; for example --modified. You can do that with the following modification to your alias.

One of the main advantages of using SSH for cloning is that you don't have to enter the password multiple times for the hundreds of operations you do in a day. It is made possible by a tool or program called ssh-agent. Before starting the cloning process and downloading a repository on our local system, it is better to make you understand a simple yet relevant term called SSH Agent.

Just download the dist file from , unzip it and run the install.bat script. After a few minutes babun starts automatically.The application will be installed to the %USERPROFILE%\.babun directory. Use the '/target' option to install babun to a custom directory.

The 'babun update' command will also update the underlying cygwin version if never version is available. In such case babun will download the new cygwin installer, close itself and start the cygwin installation process. Once cygwin installation is completed babun will restart.

To work with this library, you need to declare it as a dependency so the tool can ensure it has been downloaded and add it to the classpath. The readme in most projects shows the name and version to use. Create a deps.edn file to declare the dependency:

You will see messages about a library being downloaded the first time you use a dependency. Once the file is downloaded (usually to /.m2 or /.gitlibs), it will be reused in the future. You can use the same process to add other libraries to your deps.edn file and explore Clojure or Java libraries.


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