Volunteers are the lifeblood of most community sports clubs, so we are pleased to launch our Love Hartlepool Volunteer Award of Excellence.
This certificate scheme is completely free to all Hartlepool clubs and providers.
It is a form of recognition and celebrates the many hours that volunteers contribute to our clubs and communities
It can help clubs and providers retain volunteers.
For younger volunteers, it will be useful for when applying for jobs.
Volunteer hours can be recorded from 1st January 2022 and a simple tracker and application form, countersigned by a club coach is used to apply when reaching 50, 100 and 200 hours. Please email hartlepoolsport@yahoo.com for more information and to sign up your existing volunteers. Additional Training & Support If clubs or individuals require any training or support around volunteer on-boarding etc then just get in touch and we should be able to help. New to volunteering? Anyone interested in volunteering for the first time, or perhaps getting back into volunteering and looking for something to get stuck into can contact Tracy Harvey (tracy.harvey@hartlepool.gov.uk).