Our Sports Grants are now OPEN:
Athlete Grants
Community Fund
Gus Robinson Scholarship
To apply for one of our Grants please visit our grants page.
For over 40 years the Hartlepool sports council has been identifying talented athletes and supporting them with small grants and hosting an annual awards ceremony.
This committee is made up of representatives from local clubs, local Councillors and reps from the local authority. The PFC Trust / Hartlepool Sport convene, facilitate and provide the funding but it is the elected committee that decide on all grants and award winners.
Clubs are able to access Athlete Bursaries and Community Fund Micro Grants and to make nominations to the Annual Awards.
2024 Committee
Dave Kilner (Hpool Indoor Bowls) – Chair
Dr Natalie Connor
Carl Jorgeson (Hpool Wadokai/Hpool Sport)
Dave Mathwin (Phoenix Kickboxing)
Guy Taylor (TASS)
Calvin George (Huskies Basketball)
Adam Brooks (Manilla Cyling)
Howie Murray (Hpool Rugby Club)
Bob Clouston (Hpool Motor Club)
Dan Garthwaite (HBC)
Councillor Gary Allen
Councillor Michael Jorgeson
Councillor Phil Holbrook
Councillor Sue Little
Annual Awards
Each year the Sports Council host an Annual Awards, to help celebrate the success of the town sports clubs and athletes.
The 2023 awards took place at Hartlepool College of Further Education on Wednesday 29th November.
Take a look at the 2023 Awards highlight video here
Take a look at recent winners here.

Athlete Grants
The fund aims to give assistance to talented sports people within Hartlepool. It is intended for people who are gifted in their chosen sport to enable them to compete at the highest level and to help achieve their maximum potential.
Applicants competing at a regional, national and international level will be eligible to apply for funding support for the following:
Travel expenses
Coaching fees
Specialist equipment
Sports kit
Competition fee
Applicants will be eligible for grants up to a maximum of:
​County - £150
Regional - £200
National - £300
International - £500
Applicants need to currently be competing at least county level or above
A letter of support from a relevant coach needs to be included
Persons who have been awarded sports grants are ineligible to apply for a period of 12 months.
Applicants will be required to complete a competition record from the last twelve months.
Recipients of awards and grants must reside in, have their family home or play their sport within the Hartlepool Borough Council boundaries.
If 4 or more applications are received from the same club/organisation they will be considered as a multi-application and a donation will be made to the club/organisation and not the individual.
The panel has the final decision in all matters relating to the awarding of grants.

Community Fund
How much can you apply for?
Individual Grants of £75 to £500 are available.
Clubs and School members can apply for more than one individual.
Use of this funding
The types of activity that might be funded could include:
Hardship funding support
Funding for community groups to find new ways of keeping our target audience active in this period
Offering advice and training support
Increasing resilience, capacity, and capability of delivery bodies
Projects must meet the following criteria:
Impact on at least one of the four priority groups:
Lower Socio-economic Groups
BAME Communities
People with Disabilities
People with Long Term Conditions

Gus Robinson Hartlepool Sport Bursary
Our board can award 1 Gus Robinson Hartlepool Sport Athlete Bursary every quarter.
This fund is awarded to an athlete from the town competing at a high level with incredible potential to succeed in their sport.
How much can you apply for?
Individual Grants of up to £1000 are available